Home Based Franchise Group and its family of brands have been privileged to receive numerous prestigious awards and recognition from some of the top franchise networks, including Franchise Business Review, Entrepreneur magazine, Franchise Gator and many more. We stand out as one of the fastest growing and  leading home-based franchises due to our proven business model, extensive and stable network of successful franchisees, strong relationships with product alliance vendors, and a dedicated  team that offers comprehensive support and tools for franchisee success.

Fastest Growing

Multiple of our brands have won the prestigious Entrepreneur Media’s Top-150 Home Services Fastest Growing Franchise Company.

New Emerging Brand

Multiple of our brands have won the prestigious Entrepreneur Media’s Top-150 Home Services New emerging Brand franchise company.

Top-200 Franchise

Multiple of our brands have won the sought-after and well-respected Franchise Business review’s Top-200 all-around franchise company.

Top-100 Game Changer

Being ranked in the top 100 Game-Changer franchise in the nation, by Franchise Dictionary Magazine, is a big deal. We’re proud that multiple of our brands have achieved it.

Multiple Top-100 Awards

We have been named and ranked as a top-100 Franchise company by multiple prestigious franchise outlets, including Franchise Gator and Franchise Connect magazines.

Top 100 & Top 500

Franchise Journal has named our brands in their Top 100 multiple times, while we were also ranked in the Fran-Tastic 500, among other great honors received over the years.

Why Now is the Best Time to Start a Business

Low Cost

We believe you shouldn’t have to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to start the business of your dreams. We designed all of our franchise businesses so they require a minimum amount of money to start. There are several ways to fund your franchise: 401k rollovers, home equity loans, SBA loans, and help from friends and family. Talk to us about your options – getting a franchise started might be easier than you think

No Experience Needed

Don’t know how to start a business or don’t think you know enough to take an entrepreneurial leap? One of the best reasons to open a franchise with us is that we provide full training and support. From the very basic steps of setting up your business to how you operate, manage your staff, and provide services to how you scale to meet your dreams.

Experienced Support

Starting a business is just the beginning of your journey. Our leadership, training, and support team has decades of experience helping thousands of new franchise owners just like you grow their new businesses into thriving enterprises. Our ongoing support follows you through the ramp-up and continues as long as you are in business. We offer leadership, professional development, marketing, and operations support to make sure you grow as fast as you want and together we exceed your dreams.

Work Hard - Play Hard

Owning any business can be hard work. That doesn’t mean it has to be a pain! We believe in doing what we love, in helping people, and in enjoying the work we do. Our culture is very franchise-owner-centric: we believe in respecting our franchise partners, listening to them, and involving them in the decisions that affect the course of the business. We work hard and we play hard. Owning the business of your dreams should live up to what you want it to be!